
The APTENISA Start program presents the participating projects at a successful Demo Day

  • During the event, the details of the 15 projects selected to take part in the initiative were announced.
  • The event took place at the Opplus Training Centre in Málaga TechPark.
  • This program, organised in Málaga by Málaga TechPark, has the collaboration of BIC Euronova, the CADE, Promálaga, the Polo de Contenidos Digitales, DayOne La Caixa and Rayo Verde – Link by UMA.

The APTENISA Start program, promoted by the National Network of Technology Parks (APTE) and the Empresa Nacional de Innovación (National Innovation Company – ENISA), came to a end with the celebration of Demo Day. The event, which took place at the recently opened Opplus Training Centre in Málaga TechPark, was attended by the Opplus business expansion team, project representatives of Málaga TechPark, representatives of several incubation centres in Málaga and guest mentors.
The Demo Day consisted of the projects’ final presentation by the leaders of the 12 selected initiatives participating in the APTENISA Start program, who showed the results of their validation and redefinition work of their business model, on which they have been working in May. The following projects participated in this program’s edition:

PREVISOR – home automation and telecare system for supporting home carers.
SanaMente – AI-based platform for psychiatric care.
FarmaFácil – a monitoring and collaborative platform between patients, pharmacists and nursing professionals.
Sistrack – cloud-based system for tracking, monitoring and optimising business-to-business parcel mail.
Blueberry – STEM training project aiming to shake up the foundation of knowledge of young people and to get them involved in technology.
Winfyp App – project that compares shopping baskets between different supermarkets for end-user purposes.
LinkCo – platform for automating Corporate Social Responsibility strategies of SMEs.
SeedSafe – biotech solutions project to improve seed purity and health throughout the value chain.
3DRglass Mind – project with a disruptive IA-based assistant tool for the glass melting process.
ColorAI – project composed of an IA-based application to determine the precise colorimetry of beauty salons.
HolaS – a social network that offers leisure, cultural and free time activities to elderly people fighting loneliness.
Safetransfer – SaaS project to improve user experience and optimise the management of transfer operators.
Tratamiento y Valorización de Residuo del Olivar – project for the treatment of vegetable water (alpechín) by applying a new system for the recovery of valorised matter.
CodeID – exclusive fashion project with an individual and technological approach.

These projects cover different areas such as electronics, medicine and health, industry, agri-food, biotechnology, beauty and wellness, information and telecommunications.

Before the presentation of the projects at the event, the candidates had to conduct different interviews to clients and potential markets for their product, incorporating and adapting their projects based on the feedback received. During this process, some candidates had to redefine their project so that it would meet the target audience’s needs and attract investors and markets. They have strengthened some transversal skills along the way that they will never forget: communicative, creative and social skills, among others.

The event entailed a positive reinforcement for the candidates regarding business strategy and dissemination of their project, as it is in close contact with the entrepreneurship ecosystem of Málaga TechPark.

The APTENISA Start program is framed within a project to support companies with high innovative potential promoted by the Association of Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and supported by the National Innovation Company (ENISA). It was organised by Málaga TechPark in Málaga with the collaboration of BIC Euronova, the CADE, Promálaga, the Polo de Contenidos Digitales, DayOne La Caixa and Rayo Verde – Link by UMA.

This is reinforced by the creation of a national network of investors in start-ups related to APTE, which is the APTENISA Investor Network, and the launch of a technology project accelerator: APTENISA Launch.
